EVS w Hiszpanii, Limited edition – FUNDACION INTRAS

EVS w Hiszpanii, Limited editionEVS w Hiszpanii, Limited edition to wspólna propozycja organizacji FUNDACION INTRAS we współpracy z Fundacją Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego. Hiszpańska organizacja poszukuje wolontariuszy na zaakceptowany projekt pt. “LIMITED EDITION: An Experience to Reflect upon Diversity and Inclusion”. Zgłoszenia należy dokonać wysyłając CV oraz list motywacyjny w języku angielskim na adres mailowy: natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu

W tytule wiadomości należy wpisać  LIMITED EDITION-Intras. Inne aplikacje nie będą rozpatrywane.

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 21 maja 2018r.

Organizacja koordynująca i przyjmująca: FUNDACION INTRAS 
Miejsce: VALLADOLID lub BURGOS, Hiszpania
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 21/05/2018
Rozpoczęcie wolontariatu: lipiec 2018
Zakończenie wolontariatu: maj 2019
Czas trwania: wolontariat długoterminowy, 10 miesięcy
Dostępne wolne miejsca: 1 wolontariusz

Osoby niepełnosprawne są marginalizowane w naszych społeczeństwach. Projekt w organizacji  FUNDACION INTRAS  w Hiszpanii ma na celu przeciwdziałać temu zjawisku. Wolontariusze EVS będą zaangażowani we wspieranie osób z niepełnosprawnością. Będą organizować im aktywności w czasie wolnym poprzez zajęcia sportowe, warsztaty artystyczne, z handmade’u czy teatralne, zajęcia językowe. Będą wspierać ich w poszukiwaniu pracy a także edukować poprzez specjalne warsztaty z pisania CV, z przeprowadzania z nimi rozmów kwalifikacyjnych, warsztatów z komunikacji i zarządzania. Ten wolontariat nie jest pracą z obłożnie chorymi w placówce gdzie trzeba zapewniać im wikt i opierunek tylko współpraca z osobami niepełnosprawnymi które chcą radzić sobie same w życiu i mimo swej niepełnosprawności czerpać pełnymi garściami z tego co najlepsze.

The goals of the EVS project:

We seek awareness raising about the fact of suffering from Mental Health issues, breaking stereotypes and the fully integration of our services users by approaching young people who are eaguer to explore new and different ways of living, thinking and understand the reality. Throught this project, we would like to promote:

1. Active and European citizenship: This project is aimed at developing young people’s participation in society. Volunteers will work for a common goal: the reduction of inequalities; they will be aware (with their mentor’s help) of the changes they provoked and how important is their participation to build a better society.

2. Solidarity, tolerance, mutual understanding and social cohesion in the EU: this EVS provides young volunteers with the opportunity to work with other people from different countries; this will promote cooperation, tolerance and mutual understanding. On the other hand it will promote the integration of young people and adults at risk of social exclusion. Be aware of the differences and similarities will break barriers between young people from different countries, being or not at risk of social exclusion.

3. Inclusion and fight against marginalization: this EVS promotes integration by increasing volunteer’s knowledge about people with mental illness and developing inclusive activities such as those that empower vulnerable people towards social and labour integration.

4. Youth unemployment: This EVS helps to combat the youth unemployment, since volunteers will acquire knowledge and skills whilst collaborating in Intras; target areas are social and labour rehabilitation, leisure, educational and physical activities. It will serve as a first encounter with the professional world;

The volunteers tasks of the volunteers:
The volunteers  will collaborate in the development of training sessions and  workshops for youth and adults with disabilities as well as in the Projects Department where they can participate in the dissemination of projects  through new technologies and social Media.  Volunteers may want to join the activities which are already running in the Day Center,  depending  on their interests and their expertise, from artistic, educational or sports to photography,  video, cinema, cooking, agriculture,  clothing, etc.

Through these activities they will be given  the opportunity to meet people with mental health issues and know them better,  promote their  inclusion, and grow together  in a personal and professional way. The artistic, creative  and  non-formal character of these activities makes them particularly suitable to incorporate the help  of European volunteers  who will always have the supervision of a professional worker.

The promotion of recovery in mental health goes  through the social and labor integration of people with disabilities, so volunteers  will also support   this process by conducting workshops focused on preparing of CVs and interviews, development of  transversal skills etc. which not only will promote the labour integration of people to whom they work with, but also will undoubtedly  promote volunteers’ growth. Through

LIMITED EDITION project, participants will understand the value of their contribution to the recovery process of people with disabilities, and how their participation  is important to build a more supportive, solidary, diverse  and richer Europe. LIMITED EDITION is a real chance to meet exceptional and unusual  people,  look closer to mental illness and discard stereotypes which make the world less interesting.

Block 1 – Sport-based activities:
Intras is aware of the important role of physical activity in the recovery process and wellbeing of service users, for that there is a place designed to host these activities in each of the facilities. In Valladolid there is a sport center which work in collaboration with Intras, it has a gym, ping-pong tables, a basketball and football, swimming pool and a room for yoga/pilates. But even having these facilities the service users do not use spontaneously them.

Within this block, volunteers main role will be to foster participation and to get service users involved in these activities. To reach this goal, volunteers will promote healthy lifestyles by running a new sport programme. They will organize sport events and out-door activities such as football matches, running in group, swimming, aerobic, zumba, pilates or yoga.

Block 2 – Direct support:
Volunteers’ role will be to try to make their lives easier and comfortable e.g. accompanying them to the hospital to follow their treatment, helping with bureaucratic procedures (post office, bank, go shopping, etc.). Volunteers will be focus on building self-esteem or social skills.

Block 3 – Leisure and education:
Volunteers can play a vital role in this process, as through them the residents will encounter new perspectives which can only be discovered through people from other countries furthermore they are plenty of time to spent with service users, to play with them and to listen to them as the same time.  Workshops on different cultures, cooking, Radio, ITCs, handicrafts, languages lessons, theater could be some of the activities within this block.

Block 4 – Labour rehabilitation:
Millions of people are unemployed because of mental health issues, while majority of them wants to work. The labour rehabilitation in Intras has a strong emphasis on the values of Lifelong Learning.  Volunteers within this block will learn how to assist service users by supporting professionals to promote career awareness, empowerment, conflict resolution skills, communication skills, time management, etc.

The volunteers profile

Taking into account the activities in which volunteers will participate, our volunteers will have to be motivated to work with people with mental health issues. Although there is no need of special training or specific knowledge or skills, they may have to be eager to improve the quality of life of people with mental health issues. This contribution will be made through the exchange of personal experiences, participation in leisure or free time activities, training, cooking, photography, video editing, gardening, etc. and all the activities that the volunteer proposes, if they meet Intras’s goals.

Regarding the recruitment process, it will be made without taking into consideration factors such as sex, age, ethnic group, religion, sexual orientation, culture, political opinion, etc.

EVS w Hiszpanii, Limited edition, EVS w Hiszpanii, Limited edition. EVS w Hiszpanii, Limited edition.
EVS w Hiszpanii, Limited edition. EVS w Hiszpanii, Limited edition, EVS w Hiszpanii, Limited edition. EVS w Hiszpanii, Limited edition.
EVS w Hiszpanii, Limited edition