EVS w Grecji, Archipelagos Marine Conservation Institute

EVS w GrecjiEVS w Grecji to wspólny projekt Fundacji Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego i i organizacji Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation z Grecji. Poszukujemy wolontariuszy na zaakceptowany projekt EVS na greckich wyspach. Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny w j. angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu.

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń:  2 października 2016

Zaakceptowany do realizacji projekt pt.  Action for the Conservation of the Aegean Sea przewiduje udział 2 wolontariuszy  w działaniach ekologicznych na wyspach greckich (Samos,Fourni,Ikaria,Patmos,Arki and Marathi) przez okres 6 miesięcy.

Tytuł projektu: Action for the Conservation of the Aegean Sea ..,.
Numer projektu: 2016-2-EL02-KA105-002595.
Miejsce: Wyspa Samos, Grecja.
Organizacja wysyłająca: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego.
Organizacja koordynująca i przyjmująca: Archipelagos Institouto Thalassias kai Perivallontikis Erevnas Aigaiou.
Daty aktywności wolontariuszy: 01.11.2016 do 30.04.2017
Ilość wolontariuszy: 2

Tematyka: Wolontariusze będą pomagać organizacji w działaniach ekologicznych. Do zakresu ich obowiązków należeć m.in będzie:
– monitorowanie gatunków zwierząt na lądzie jak i w basenie Morza Egejskiego.
– prezentacje o populacji ssaków dla dzieci i młodzieży w klubach i szkołach.
– Fotografia bio-różnorodnej fauny i flory morskiej i lądowej.
– Zalesianie eksperymentalne wysp.
– Prace nad zielnikiem chroniącym bogactwo roślin.

Szerszy opis aktywności poniżej oraz w załączniku: placement-guide.

Project Environment:
Archipelagos, Institute of Marine Conservation is a Greek non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in 1998. Archipelagos is committed to researching and defending the biodiversity of the Greek seas and islands, as well as of the NE Mediterranean region overall.
Archipelago’s main areas of focus are
1. Marine wildlife conservation: Marine mammals, fisheries, coastal ecosystems (focusing on endangered habitats and species), oceanographic research, as well as water quality, pollution assessment, and shipping disaster prevention.
2. Terrestrial wildlife conservation: Island fauna, with a particular focus on endangered species such as chameleons, jackals, bats and birds. Island flora, focusing on the rare island forests and freshwater habitats. The continued development of the Aegean Seed Safe (preservation of rapidly disappearing local varieties of agricultural plants), pollution and human impact assessments, and the management of priority habitats.i

Proposed activities:
-To help in monitoring presence of species,mapping coralligene reefs in Aegean Sea.
-To provide presentations about mammal populations to kids and youths in clubs and schools with wchich Archilepagos cooperate firstly mapping marine mammal(migration,ecology,threats)through visual-census and acoustic observation as well as with using data collected on boat(ArcGIS).
-To promote environmental awareness campaigns within the local communities of islanders,to show them what impact do they have on the marine life by their actions.
-To help in preparing reports by land-based survey and collecting environmental,anthropogenic, and acoustic data.
-Focusing on the photography of a range of marine and terrestrial biodiversity and landscapes.Volunteers will be able to make photo exhibition for local people to show them how rich ecosystem they have in their surrounding and to made them aware of necessity to protect them.
-Collecting information about fisheries in the area like effort per catch and differences in catches over time and researching and recording Illegal,unregulated and unreported fishing activities what will provide to establishing first fishery co-managed area in Greece. Those activities has aime to show volunteers conserving resources by adjusting fishing capacity to fishing opportunities.They will be able to teach islanders,that exploitation should be sustainable to fish resources,should be managed in accordance with the principle of maximum sustainable yield and show fishermens that if they will not obey this rule,one day we run out of this recsource.
-To design leaflets and booklets for lectures and presentations with Mediterranean species information and environmental threats.
-Filming and editing underwater videos which will be used during environmental education in schools but also in local media.
-By differnate type activities,campaignes educatation actions prepared to local people,volunteers will try to convince them to voluntary work.
-To help in creation of effective management plans in order to protect valuable habitats on Aegean islands f.ex by differente types of surveys (surveys assessing the biodiversity of forest,freshwater and small islet ecosystems,as well as the factors impacting them also surveys of endangered species like chameleons or the Golden jackal on the island of Samos).
Those surveys is important for biodiversity which is essential for the evolution and sustainability of life-support systems of the biosphere(also humans one).In order to protect biodiversity it is necessary to predict,prevent and combat the causes of declining or disappearing what volunteers will learn during this activities.Volunteers will become more aware of the processes occurring around us.From wild plants and animals we derive all our food,most medicines and countless other products. For example,without willow we would not have aspirin.By activities like this volunteers as well as local community became more aware that human has impact on everything what lives on earth and if we do not stop some acts a lot of species which we know and we derive from them,will be not with us tomorrow.
-To take part in experimental reforestation and preparing meetings with local community,to show them collected data.Volunteers will visualize that forests are green lungs of the earth.
-Herbarium work,in order to save endangered species of herbs and plants which hase value in medicine and production also for next generations.
-To help in preparations campaignes about renewable energy sources for the island communities,convincing them to use solar,wind,river water and biomass energy.
-Creating informational material and participation in related conservation activities with the aim of raising public awareness in the island communities and the wider public for the use of small scale renewable energy sources.
-To prepare actions like:”use the bicycle and local transport not car”,”Turn on the light only when needed”,”take a shower not bath”etc..
-Designing printed material on environmental issues for use in local schools&communities.
-To photography wildlife and lanscapes (materials will in schools and in local media).
-By differnate type activities, campaignes educatation actions prepared to local people, volunteers will try to convince them to voluntary work hand in hand with Archipelagos.

Recruitment process:
We are looking for someone who is motivated and hard workng, love nature, and who can commit that he/she will be happy to stay for 8 months in the Aegean Sea Islands. They need to be interested in protection of the environment. Enthusiasm, motivation to participate in our specific project, appreciation in being useful; enjoy communicating and learning new skills and competences, interest to work in a team, tolerance towards difference. Volunteers coming to Archipelagos need to be open for a learning-by-doing experience.
The chosen volunteer must follow the same principles:
• Solidarity: responsibility in accomplishing the ends of voluntary service.
• Participation: intervention in areas of great social interest.
• Cooperation: supporting the creation and implementation of the receiving organization’s projects.
• Responsibility: in the carrying out of the activities that volunteers commit to doing, given the expectations created in the people they are volunteering for.

EVS w Grecji